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A member registered Oct 15, 2017

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(1 edit)

- RPGMAKER is the engine we'll be using, any versions of it. Any other engine such as Game Maker or Unity will not be accepted,  that's for another Jam

- It must be from 2 to 4, going solo is accepteable, but not recommended. If you lack people, join to any of the discord channels where people is looking forward to the Jam: / for example. AND THE MAIN CHANNEL IS If you can't join discord or want some more specific help, you can open a topic here on the of the game Jam

- Deadline is in 30 days, try to make the best game in that amount of game.

- The theme is horror, and the game tends to be FULLY CUSTOMIZED, you can use RTP stuff. But that won't help you win, the less RTP you use, the better. Try working with people around!

- You must have at least 1 game to present (That's the most recommendeable, to do a good single project in 30 days) if by some reason you manage to complete it befero, you can do a secondary project. Note, each separate project will count as it's own. Only one project can win, you won't get any extra for developing two games, but it could be that one is better than the other and somehow that wins.

- There's no set reward such as money, there will be prices for the first place! But that's a surprise yet to be seen.

Have fun Game Making and Good luck Y'all!